223 research outputs found

    Periodontal regenerative therapy in endo-periodontal lesions: a case report

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    Endo-Periodontal Lesions can be defined as lesions in the periodontal and pulpar tissues of the same tooth, either in isolation or combined. Its prognosis may vary from favorable to hopeless and, according to prognostic classification systems, any hopeless tooth should be extracted. A growing body of evidence has suggesting otherwise. The aim of this thesis is to report a clinical case with a 3-year follow-up assessing the outcome of endodontic and periodontal treatment of a hopeless tooth and, with this, present and discuss new horizons and solutions for Endo-Periodontal Lesions beyond the apex. It is concluded that Periodontal Regenerative Therapy can be an effective conservative treatment for teeth with a hopeless prognosis and, therefore, should be considered by clinicians as a valid intervention.As Lesões Endo-Periodontais podem ser definidas como uma lesão nos tecidos periodontal e pulpar de um determinado dente, de forma isolada ou combinada. O seu prognóstico pode variar de favorável a hopeless, sendo que, segundo os sistemas de classificação de prognóstico, qualquer dente hopeless deve ser extraído. Um crescente corpo de evidência científica tem demonstrado o contrário. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever um caso clínico com 3 anos de follow-up avaliando o resultado do tratamento endodôntico e periodontal de um dente hopeless e, com isso, mostrar e discutir novos horizontes e soluções para as Lesões Endo-Periodontais para além do ápice. Conclui-se que, para lidar com Lesões Endo-Periodontais em dentes com prognóstico hopeless, tratamentos conservadores, como a Terapia Periodontal Regenerativa, devem ser considerados pelos clínicos como uma opção válida


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    Objetivo: avaliar o nível de atividade física entre pessoas com hipertensão arterial sistêmica. Método: estudo descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado em um multicentro de saúde da cidade de Salvador, Bahia, com participação de 220 pessoas com diagnóstico médico de hipertensão arterial sistêmica. Investigou-se nível de atividade física dos participantes no trabalho, no trajeto de deslocamento, nas tarefas domésticas e no tempo livre com base no Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física e na classificação: muito ativos, ativos, irregularmente ativos e sedentários. Realizou-se análise descritiva para caracterizar a população do estudo. Resultados: predomínou comportamento sedentário em todos os indicadores de atividade física avaliados pelo Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física. Conclusão: conhecendo a gravidade da hipertensão arterial sistêmica e a necessidade da atividade física para prevenção e controle, é necessária maior vigilância e mais estratégias para, respectivamente, melhor compreender a magnitude e modificar o comportamento sedentário que predomina em pessoas com essa doença. Descritores: Hipertensão. Comportamento Sedentário. Estilo de Vida. Fatores de Risco

    Health beliefs regarding diet: a perspective of hypertensive black individuals

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    Investigación descriptivo-exploratoria que objetivó identificar supuestos en salud de personas negras con hipertensión arterial sobre barreras y beneficios relativos a la dieta de control de la patología y conocer los factores sociodemográficos asociados a supuestos de salud sobre beneficios para control alimentario. Ciento seis adultos, negros e hipertensos fueron entrevistados utilizándose instrumento específico. Datos analizados en porcentajes, frecuencia casuística puntajes y razón de prevalencia. El análisis global sobre los supuestos mostró predominio de la categoría beneficios para control de la dieta. Se notó tendencia a percibir menos supuestos de salud sobre beneficios para adopción de dieta en hombres, personas más jóvenes, sin compañero, con baja escolaridad e ingresos. Se concluyó en que la promoción de salud de la población negra exige abordaje interdisciplinario y política sanitaria que contemple sus especificidades y necesidades dirigidas a aspectos preventivos y curativos.The objective of this descriptive-exploratory study was to identify the health beliefs of black individuals with hypertension regarding the barriers and benefits of diet for controlling the disease, including the sociodemographic factors associated with the health beliefs surrounding diet control. One hundred and six black adults with hypertension were interviewed using a specific instrument. The data were analyzed considering the percentages, frequency of the cases, scores and prevalence ratio. The global analysis of beliefs showed a preponderance of beliefs regarding the benefits of diet control. It was observed that men, younger individuals, lack of a partner and low educational level and income were related to the beliefs regarding the benefits of adopting a healthy diet. In conclusion, health promotion among the black population requires an interdisciplinary approach and specific health policies addressing this populations' needs, aimed at preventive and curative aspects.Pesquisa descritiva-exploratória, objetivou identificar as crenças em saúde, de pessoas negras com hipertensão arterial, sobre as barreiras e benefícios relacionados à dieta para o controle da doença, conhecendo os fatores sociodemográficos associados às crenças em saúde quanto aos benefícios para o controle da dieta. Cento e seis adultos, negros e hipertensos foram entrevistados utilizando-se instrumento específico. Os dados foram analisados em percentuais, frequência de casos, escores e razão de prevalência. A análise global sobre as crenças mostrou predomínio da categoria e benefícios para o controle da dieta. Foi observada tendência entre homens, pessoas mais jovens, sem companheiro e com baixas escolaridade e renda à menor crença quanto aos os benefícios atinentes à adoção da dieta. Concluiu-se que a promoção da saúde da população negra exige abordagem interdisciplinar e política de saúde, contemplando as suas especificidades e necessidades e dirigidas a aspectos preventivos e curativos

    Evaluation of soil resistance to penetration underlying soil load support capacity estimate

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    A pressão de preconsolidação, apesar das dificuldades inerentes à sua obtenção, representa uma medida útil do estado mecânico do solo para o seu uso, manejo e planejamento de sistemas de mecanização. A estimativa da pressão de preconsolidação, a partir de propriedades do solo facilmente mensuráveis, é, portanto, uma alternativa que pode ser utilizada para contornar as dificuldades. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: (a) quantificar a pressão de preconsolidação e a resistência do solo à penetração, em laboratório e em campo, para um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, sob pomar de laranja, e (b) estabelecer a relação entre ambos os indicadores físicos. A amostragem e as avaliações foram realizadas em oito dias consecutivos, acompanhando o secamento natural do solo. Houve relação significativa, positiva e linear entre a pressão de preconsolidação e a resistência do solo à penetração, medida no laboratório e no campo. A similaridade das relações entre resistência à penetração, obtida no campo e em laboratório, e a pressão de preconsolidação permitiu afirmar que a capacidade de suporte de carga pode ser adequadamente estimada a partir da resistência de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico à penetração medida diretamente no campo. __________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe preconsolidation pressure, despite the difficulties inherent to its measurement, provides a useful measure of the soil mechanical state for soil management and the planning of mechanization systems. The estimation of the preconsolidation pressure, based on easily measurable soil physical properties, may be relevant to solve some difficulties. The objectives of this study were: (a) to quantify the preconsolidation pressure and soil resistance to penetration measured in the laboratory and the field for a Haplustox under orange orchard, and (b) to establish relationships between these physical indicators. Sampling and evaluations were carried out on eight consecutive days to observe the natural soil drying. There was a positive, linear, and significant relationship between the preconsolidation pressure and soil resistance to penetration measured in the laboratory as well as in the field. The similarity of the relationships among soil resistance to penetration measured in the laboratory and the field and the preconsolidation pressure allowed affirming that the load support capacity for the Haplustox may be estimated from the soil resistance to penetration measured in the field

    Soil compressibility under non-irrigated and irrigated short duration grazing systems

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    O incremento da produtividade das pastagens tem sido associado ao comportamento à compressão dos solos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: quantificar as curvas de compressão e a pressão de preconsolidação em sistemas de pastejo intensivo rotacionado irrigado e não irrigado. Foram coletadas 96 amostras indeformadas de solo em quatro ciclos sucessivos de pastejo instalado com capim Tanzânia (Panicum maximum Jacq.) em um Argissolo Vermelho. Após saturadas com água e equilibradas no potencial (y): -10 kPa, as amostras foram pesadas e submetidas ao ensaio de compressão uniaxial com a aplicação sucessiva e contínua de pressões de 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1.000, 1.300 e 1.600 kPa. Os resultados comprovaram a hipótese de que houve diferença na compressibilidade do solo sob os sistemas de pastejo rotacionado intensivo irrigado e não irrigado. A maior compactação inicial verificada no sistema de pastejo rotacionado intensivo irrigado favoreceu o deslocamento das curvas de compressão uniaxial para valores superiores de densidade do solo. A pressão de preconsolidação foi significativamente superior no quarto ciclo de pastejo no sistema de pastejo rotacionado intensivo irrigado em relação ao sistema pastejo rotacionado intensivo não irrigado. ________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTIncrement in pasture productivity has been associated with the understanding of the soil behavior under compression. The objective of this research was to quantify (a) the compression curves and (b) the preconsolidation pressure of the soils under non-irrigated and irrigated short duration grazing systems. Ninety-six undisturbed soil samples were taken from the four successive pasture cycles of Tanzania grass (Panicum maximum Jacq.) in a Hapludalf. The samples were saturated in water and equilibrated at the matrix potential (y): -10 kPa and then were weighed and submitted to an uniaxial compression test, applying the following pressures: 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1,000, 1,300, and 1,600 kPa. Results support the hypothesis that there is a difference between the soil compressibility under non-irrigated and irrigated short-duration grazing systems. The higher initial compaction verified in irrigated short-duration grazing system favored the displacement of the uniaxial compression curves for higher bulk density values. The preconsolidation pressure was significantly higher in the fourth pasture cycle under irrigated than under the non-irrigated short duration grazing system

    A systematic literature review of Gamification in Cultural Heritage: Where are we? Where do we go?

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    Gamification has become an important tool in many organizations and fields of study. Despite the growing body of work, there are still many open paths for new research. This paper aims look at the uses of Gamification in the field of Cultural Heritage, to take account of where the research is and to point the open paths for the future in a post pandemic word. To do this, this paper presents a systematic literature review on Gamification in Cultural Heritage. While other endeavors have been conducted by other authors to map out the field, the scope of this study aimed to be much broader. The goal was to understand who the main actors with publications in the field are, as well as for what purposes and to what forms of Heritage is gamification being applied to. The findings indicate that European institutions are the main publishers of research on Gamification in Heritage, with the field still being dotted with incidental, one-time, studies. Whist intangible forms of Heritage are gaining ground in the use of Gamification, the field is largely dominated by GLAM institutions and groupings of mutually diverse Cultural Heritage assets, such as in tourist destinations. This paper also argues for more substantial networks and collaborative work between researchers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Performance of microscopy and RDTs in the context of a malaria prevalence survey in Angola: A comparison using PCR as the gold standard

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    Background: Accurate identification of Plasmodium infections in community surveys is essential to successful malaria control. Microscopy and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are the main techniques used to diagnose malaria in field-based surveys. While microscopy is still considered the gold standard, RDTs are growing in popularity as they allow for rapid and inexpensive diagnosis. Using data from a prevalence survey conducted in north-western Angola in 2010, the authors aimed to compare the performance of microscopy and RDTs in identifying Plasmodium falciparum infections, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as the gold standard. Methods. Results from 3,307 subjects (1,225 preschool-aged children (zero to five year olds), 1,134 school-aged children (six to 15 year olds) and 948 mothers/caregivers (>15 years of age)), tested for P. falciparum infections, were utilized. The sensitivity, specificity, positive, and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV) of microscopy and Paracheck-Pf® were compared using the McNemar's test and the weighted generalized score Chi-squared test for paired data. Results: The prevalence of P. falciparum infections determined by PCR and microscopy was 15.9% and by Paracheck- Pf® was 16.3%. Compared to microscopy, Paracheck-Pf® had significantly higher sensitivity (72.8% versus 60%), specificity (94.3% versus 92.5%), PPV (70.7% versus 60%) and NPV (94.8% versus 92.5%). Both tests had significantly lower sensitivity in mothers (36.8% for microscopy and 43.7% for Paracheck-Pf®) than in their children (68.4% in zero to five years-old and 60.6% in six to 15 years-old for microscopy and 80.4% in zero to five year-olds and 76.5% in six to 15 year-olds for Paracheck-Pf®). Conclusion: Both microscopy and RDTs performed suboptimally when compared to PCR. False negativity could be associated with the low parasite density profile of the samples. False positivity may be related to the well-described limitations of those techniques such as level of expertise of microscopists or persistent antigenicity from previous infections in the case of RDTs. Nevertheless, RDTs had enhanced performance comparatively to microscopy in detecting malaria infections, favouring their use in community cross-sectional malaria surveys, where expert performance of microscopy is hard to accomplish

    Precarización del trabajo de enfermeras, técnicas y auxiliares de enfermería en los hospitales públicos

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    Objective: To identify the contribution of all the dimensions involved in job insecurity among nursing professionals in Brazilian state public hospitals. Method: This was a quantitative descriptive study conducted between March 2015 and February 2016, with nurses, nursing technicians and nursing aides. The data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis. Results: The sample consisted of 265 nurses (n=161 with job security and n=104 outsourced) and 810 nursing technicians and nursing aides (n=597 with job security and n=213 outsourced). Among the nurses, “Working conditions” accounted for 46.8% of their job insecurity. Among nursing technicians and nursing aides “intensity of work due to work process organization” best explained the construct of job insecurity (51.2%). Conclusion: Job insecurity is expressed differently depending on the type of nursing professional. The difference in the distribution of the dimensions showed that job insecurity is related to the hierarchical position of each nursing professional in the technical division of nursing work and the role of each professional in the work process

    Local accommodation: from paradise to hell - the impact of Covid 19 and strategies to recover the investment, in Portugal

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    This study seeks to fill the epistemological gap regarding the impact of Covid 19 on local accommodation. The growth of Local Accommodation led to some good and bad results: for once, the old buildings were rebuilt as the owners saw a way to recover the investment, and some families found a way to increase their income, and on the other hand, the exponential growth created severe dangers to municipal institutions: the risk of ‘desertification’ of the center by local citizens, rent pressure, social polarization, amongst other risks, which led to the “gentrification phenomenon”. This pandemic situation brought the real destruction of this accommodation sector, as the fear of travelling, besides the cancelation of flights and sanitary restrictions change the face of tourism sector and the owners of local accommodation places struggle to survive. On the course of this study we propose to find some ways out of hell that step into this sector.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Desde o início do século XXI que o turismo ganhou o estatuto de uma das maiores atividades económicas do mundo, sendo também um fator importante de desenvolvimento sustentável. No entanto, devido à atual fase pandémica, esta situação sofreu um revés, alterando comportamentos e hábitos da população em geral. Mais do que nunca a sustentabilidade assume um papel fulcral no desenvolvimento turístico, sendo imprescindível conjugar a vertente económica com a vertente cultural e consequentemente aliá-las à sustentabilidade ambiental e social. Este artigo propõe assim uma reflexão sobre o impacto económico no turismo decorrente da atual pandemia e consequente impacto ambiental e social, bem como a análise das medidas adotadas ou a adotar num futuro próximo, algumas ligadas às tecnologias de informação e comunicação, de forma a minimizar os danos sentidos no sector. As considerações apresentadas neste artigo não pretendem encerrar esta temática, mas sim, abrir espaço para novas reflexões e dinâmicas que possam contribuir para a sustentabilidade nas suas diferentes vertentes do turismo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio